
John I Leonard Class of 1993 

20 Year Reunion


Time to reconnect with old friends and possibly make new ones. Twenty years is a long time and I'm sure there is a lot of catching up to do.  

A decision has been made that any and all funds collected that are not used on the reunion will be donated back to John I Leonard High School. There is a plan in the works to organize a night in the fall that local classmates and anyone that would like to come from out of town can attend a football game and present the donation. In addition to tickets being sold for the reunoin itself there is a donation opportunity for those that are not able to attend in the events tab.

Please click on the events tab to get the details of the events planned and purchase your tickets.

Deadline for purchasing tickets online will be 7/23/13.

Any tickets purchased day of event will be an extra $5.00 per person.

Hope to see everyone there!

FREE Class Reunion Websites from ClassQUEST